I found this small – but ground breaking – news story from The Associated Press about a rapist with more than 90 child rapes behind him plus a rape of a grown couple at gun point.
He has been in jail since late 1979 and appeared before a parole board today, eligible for early release to a halfway house.
ST. PAUL, Minn. — An expert hired by the state says a Minnesota sex offender seeking greater freedom isn’t ready for it.
He isn’t ready, because:
Forensic psychologist Harry Hoberman testified Friday that John Rydberg is still a psychopath.
He says he drew that conclusion from a review of records of Rydberg’s treatment in prison, and he was even more convinced after hearing Rydberg’s testimony last week.
Rydberg has disputed his diagnosis as a sexual sadist. He acknowledged his victims suffered, but said his motivation was his own pleasure not to inflict pain.
A special three-judge panel is considering whether Rydberg deserves a provisional release from the Minnesota Sex Offender program into a Twin Cities halfway house.
I don’t know if I shall feel sorry for this guy or what. I mean, all those years and he’s STILL a psychopath!
Maybe it’s what he said. Maybe he would’ve been considered Cured of Psychopathy if he’d said that his motivation wasn’t his own pleasure, but to inflict pain!?
One can then wonder how on earth he would manage to be satisfied if he wasn’t receiving sexual pleasure during the rape. On the other hand, maybe the point is that IF he’d managed to do that he’d have been deemed masochistic, and Psychopaths can’t be masochists?, or masochistic Psychopaths can be cured? …I mean that’s got to be something of an achievement, to NOT becoming aroused and all the while still completing the act of rape AND keep focus on whether the victims were in pain or not.
Whew!… The mere thought…!
What a mess! …That’s what I say.
If he’d been smart and a little bit foreseeing he’d have spend all those years thinking up the right story, but he probably spend them daydreaming about sex.
I can see though why thinking up the right thing to say might have proven problematic, since no matter what a person says it can be taken as a sign of psychopathy. Yeah, we’ve all been there, right? Thought so!
The article ends thus:
Nobody has been permanently released from the program since it began in 1995, and critics question its costs and constitutionality.
Now it just may be that I have the secret solution to that. – Shall I risk a guess?… – Okay, here goes then:
Maybe Nobody has been permanently released from that program ever since it began because Psychopathy can’t be permanently cured!!
Poor, poor child rapist!
…Or not!
He should’ve stuck with Psychopathy!
If you want to view the few minute long video footage, click here!