Listen to this song and take note of the lyrics!…
Often, when I sing songs with lyrics about love, or about other feelings I don’t have any personal experience with, I have no inner picture or emotion I can relate it to or associate with the meaning of what I’m singing. In these situations I don’t really envision anything. Instead I merely take delight in delivering the sound as best I can, along with the facial expressions that I know is part of what the song is supposed to express.
But there are other times, when I’m in a certain mood… I wonder if I can convince my readers that listening to this particular song gave me a most explicit pleasure as I contrived my own personal meanings and visions to the sounds, to the words and bits of the lyrics… In these situations I can apply visions of bloody scenery of torture in my mind and find it utterly delightful.
The victims in this inner scenery have no names and no real personalities. It isn’t personal in any way. There is only the music and the occasional word/s and all that they inspire in the emotional and intellectual state of mind that I’m in at the time.
Will you believe me, when I tell you that the words ‘For your Love’ in this song, to me in this case on that particular day meant: ‘For that Love of seeing you suffer and bring unto you the most exquisite, transcending of destruction and pain!’?
To me this is Beautiful beyond imagination! It cannot be measured nor equaled!
Perhaps just as interesting is it that when I do sing love songs, or other songs with emotional content that is well known to most people but not to me, it doesn’t show on my facial expression that I’m not envisioning the same things that you would envision, or that I don’t feel these things. Instead I mimic the facial expressions as I remember having seen them on other people’s faces – all the while giving it my own, personal emotional content as described above.