A fellow reader of another blog left a kind post for me that showed he understood the main point about psychopaths not being incompatible with intelligence or intelligently expressing oneself (actually it’s the other way around).
I believe my reader gets the picture, yes?
That blog’s comment board has been swarmed by trolling children/youths with antisocial traits and self esteem issues who spend most of their time with flame posts and mutual so called ‘piss contests’, constantly trying to top one another in how “antisocial” they can be.
These kids are emotionally deficit, but also intellectually challenged. The reader who addressed me saw this, and I found this to be an opportunity for me to show my appreciation, but also to use it as a stepping stone to start saying a little bit about those darker sides of me that I rarely touch on.
The reader – I will call him Post2Zhawq – wrote:
I am going to do a bit of projecting here so stay with me.
I think the reason why you get insulted so much is because of the underground sociopath/psychopath match around here.
Basically the person who sounds the most evil, and the most methodological, wins.
It pisses me and others off so much that there exist someone out there who not only can use anyone, but can do it in a speedy fashion, cleaning up and getting away with it. You also get to grab a beer at the end of the day, and still come back and make the kids sob.
So congratulate yourself. You got the emotions of so many people miles away at your disposal, and you didn’t even have to try.
It must be some aura.
I wasn’t really aware that I got insulted more than everybody else. However, it was obviously meant in a nice way, and I did reply at the time.
Afterwards I returned to my text documents intending to continue with the article I was already working on, when it came to me that there was more I could say, and more I could give as pertaining to the promise I made to my readers about using this blog as a means to provide information that comes directly from the one party we don’t often hear much from: Myself, the Psychopath.
So I opened a blank sheet and wrote the following:
I would add something to my hasty response to you yesterday.
Here it is… comment board style.
You wrote:
“So congratulate yourself. You got the emotions of so many people miles away at your disposal, and you didn’t even have to try.”
Indeed. It is all so very, very easy. And pretending a little emotion can trigger utter rage in others, as well as deepest love in some – though the last example hasn’t been relevant in this case. 😉
I can assert my indifference, or I can pretend to be annoyed, excited, or eager to ‘fit in’, etc. – you know, all those things that highly emotional people – and especially antisocial kids with narcissistic issues – do (we have a heavy presentation of these latter around here as you’ve noticed).
At the end of the day it’s all my choice, and almost all of my doing as well.
“It pisses me and others off so much that there exist someone out there who not only can use anyone, but can do it in a speedy fashion, cleaning up and getting away with it. You also get to grab a beer at the end of the day, and still come back and make the kids sob.”
I see. Yes, I guess it is not exactly the most lovable trait I possess.
Okay, I understand what you mean. And your words actually do fit ‘Official Society’ better than they fit me, for I am horrible at cleaning up after me, whereas they’re damn efficient at it (getting normal people to do it by order).
I will also emphasize that I never did the ‘speedy using others’ in between more socially acceptable activities on a daily basis, and I don’t kill people at all anymore!
It must be some aura.
I have been told the same in various ways over the years, all the way back to my early teens, if not earlier.
The ‘insults’ you see others throw at me are subtle fear responses, and it’s a response that is one of the common experiences that psychopaths share – at least those who have the same combination of classical psychopathy and antisocial traits that I have… I’m almost inclined to say it is common also for those who are not violent criminals.
I’m not kidding you: Every single psychopath I’ve met and spoken to, or otherwise learned about, have had the experience that you are witnessing and referring to when you say “It must be some aura”. Though to you it looks like a case of ‘collective insulting’, which, I guess in a way, it also is; I’m just not the one who is being insulted, …well not emotionally, anyway. *S*
Memorize the sensing of ‘some aura’ that you associate with me, and you have yourself a decent predictor for when you’re in the presence of a psychopath, someone who ‘might’ be a dangerous person.
It’s a good thing, it can save your life.
To those who know the truth about me I’d ask:
Why would I be bothered by idiot insults from cyber bullies when I have been the subject for true existential hatred by those who lost a spouse or a friend/family member because of my so called psychopathic boredom?
A tad illogical, no?
If I were receptive to insults, I’d have most likely committed suicide many years ago, like several victims of mine suggested I do. 😀
Your sensing my ‘aura’ tells me I am doing something right… Thank you for taking the time to let me know this!
I wish you Good Luck Ahead!… 🙂