A Psychopath/Sociopath quote:
“We lie as we breath!”
From the Victim’s perspective it’s is:
‘They lie as they beath!”
It is funny how when you first meet us and throughout the time that you’re still in love with us and hasn’t begun questioning what we say and suspicious about our motives, our past, etc., you think we’re the greatest guy/woman you’ve ever met. You find us unusually lovable, inspiring, so full of wit and wisdom, and you see that we understand you in ways and with a depth that nobody else you’ve ever met – or will meet – can ever do.
We help you free yourselves in ways you had never thought possible, by presenting to you new ways of thinking and new perspectives, that you – as a normal, empathic, person has never thought about. We help get free from obligations that you’ve always felt were really keeping you back and holding you down.
We introduce into your lives excitement that you’ve always secretly longed for but never had the strength, knowledge or fearlessness you to seek up on your own. We often replecent the epitome of the man/woman of your dreams, the knight in shiny Armor who comes to set you free….who came to set YOU free, you and nobody else! For our attention is to you entirely, we’ll give you that wonderful something that you can never hope to get from anyon else.
And thus you fall helplessly and deeply in love with us.
It all lasts until the real truths, not about us, but about you, begins to come up and we begin to work you around those flaws that you have. You think we love you less, and our respect for you begin to falter ever so slightly as the real depths of your lacking self esteem and self loathing becomes more and more apparent. Your self pity is one thing, and one we can easily work with, but when you get to the point where you think WE are the reason for your agony, things begin to turn interesting in different way.
But it is often here that you begin to seek support or understanding outside of your own situation, and you end up in the hands of some “Victims of Psychopaths” community. – And once you fall into the hands of these fraudsters, things take a new dramatic turn. From then on all you’ll see and ‘understand’ is the textbook version on the negative interpretation of what a Psychopath or a Sociopath is.
In other words, you’ve fallen prey to another psychopathy: The Cult of the ‘Psychopathy Victim Survivors’.
And the real irony about it all is that those who call themselves Survivors of Psychopaths … psychopath’s abuse, mentally or otherwise … and who flaunt and brag about their new found strength, freedom, and self esteem, are anything but what they claim to be. These websites and blogs reek of every psychopath would call ‘VICTIM!’.