We can’t be tamed, it’s in our DNA. And we want to part of… something… I don’t know!
I think the right phrase for the ‘something’ that we in certain ways can never understand would be: Everything.
We want to be part of Everything!…
And so far, I say, we’re not doing badly.
I thought this tune was right for this website in several ways, one of which would be that it shows the aspect of that insatiable thirst in the general public to get a peak at the Strange Birds that they think we are.
And just like birds we come in many colors, shapes and sizes.
Some of us are colorful indeed, whereas others like to take the quieter approach – at least when it’s not in connection with something that pertains to actually economic or other gain, which isn’t hard to understand. Which approach you take and how you choose to portray yourself in a given setting depends on a lot of things, most of which are impossible to see as an observer – and not least on an Internet basis.
There’re pros and cons in everything you do, and preferences vary in between individuals. This is no different for psychopaths. In many ways we’re disappointingly human, just like the normal people who’s empathy, remorse and quiet living we will never be able to truly understand – except maybe from an intellectual perspective….which is the reason that many psychopaths have a preference for exactly that!…Yeah, I know: Surprise indeed!
But I’m merely telling you the truth. That’s what I made this blog to do, and that’s what I’ll continue doing, and you can take it or leave it, it’s all the same to me. I am, after all, writing as much for my own pleasure as for the pleasure of bringing some knowledge to others and hopefully some debate as well between myself and my readers.
Nevertheless, we’re a rare species, but unlike much of the wildlife variety all over the globe, we’re nowhere near extinction – just like normal people. We’re here to stay. What’s more, we know how to fight, and we’re not afraid of breaking the rules and cheat if that’s what it takes. I mean, hey, we’re known for doing that anyway, so what makes anyone think we’d do differently when it comes to our survival?
So many normal people think we’re somehow primitive, that we’re not capable of doing a lot of things many of which somehow pertains to thought process. They think that if we do or say things this or that way, then we can’t possibly be psychopaths.
But even though it is comforting to know that this is how people think, since it means all we have to do is impress them in one way or another in order to not be considered psychopathic (apart from the fact that clinical psychologists don’t follow that notion anymore than we do), which – on a different note – is how we’ve been doing things all along (or how we’ve been fooling you people, if you like that version better), it is still a mistake.
Somebody – a debate participant on another blog who was really very nice and meant well – wrote to me: “Zhawq, you’re not a psychopath, because you have insight!”. But there’s no truth in it, it’s a grave mistake to think that way.
When it comes to what psychopaths can or cannot do, I’ll just say: You people have no idea!!